Business guidance on motoring offences and legislation

We offer  bespoke business guidance on motoring offences and legislation,  to help you  avoid falling foul of the legislation in respect to you responsibilities as a company and as an employer. The guidance is tailored to the needs of the particular business.


The aim of the guidance is to provide employers of drivers with a sound understanding of:

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  • Basic road traffic offences
  • Contractual obligations
  • Statutory requirements
  • New legislation




We are happy to prepare bespoke written guidance which will benefit you and your organisations so you can stay on the right side of the law. Alternatively we can prepare a presentation designed specifically for your business. We work closely with employment lawyers who will deal with the contractual issues and your duties while we will focus on the motoring law matters.


Example questions

  • Can I randomly test my employee for drugs ?
  • If my HR manager gets convicted of drink driving, am I obliged to terminate their contract of employment ?
  • If the Company Secretary fails to respond to a Notice of Intended Prosecution in time and the company is summonsed to court, has the Company Secretary committed an offence themselves ?
  • If one of the apprentices was told to answer the phone when the client called even though he was driving, are the employers assisting in the commission of an offence ?



The guidance can be a written document or provided by way of a presentation that will normally last between one and two hours.



This will depend upon the content of the guidance, the duration of a presentation, where you are located and your budget.

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